by devteam | Aug 21, 2022 | Baby Skincare
The toughest part of being a new parent? Figuring out how infant diapers work. What is this yellow line? Where do these tabs go!? Which is the front!? Is the diaper full enough to change? And while you’re driving yourself into a mad frenzy your baby has wet...
by devteam | Aug 21, 2022 | Baby
Do you remember the exact moment you found out a little angel was on its way to fill your home with joy? You sat for hours, spellbound by the little hands and feet that looked too delicate to even touch. You promised your little one the best care and attention in the...
by devteam | Aug 17, 2022 | Baby
Parents are often faced with difficult choices regarding their babies. Choosing the right kind of diaper is one that often makes new parents break out into a sweat. It doesn’t matter if you are a cloth-nappy or a disposable-diaper type of parent, we are here to make a...
by devteam | Nov 10, 2021 | Baby Skincare
“Monsoons in Mumbai are a total fiasco! My kiddo always used to fall sick during the rains. It’s the same for Dev. He loves to crawl on the floors, anything that is within a two-meter radius of him ends up in his mouth! I am being extra careful this time around, but...