Babies Need Special Care During The Monsoon

Babies Need Special Care During The Monsoon

July 7, 2023

Baby Care 101: Navigating Monsoon Season Like a Pro

Monsoon, the season of rain and romance, is finally here! While you enjoy the rain and indulge in hot pakoras, your little one will need extra attention and care during the wet and humid season.

So, dear moms and dads, settle in, grab your cup of tea and rajai and let’s dive into some essential baby care tips to ensure a happy and healthy monsoon!

  1. Trust Your Instincts: During the rainy season, the temperature can go low, but humidity is at an all-time high due to the release of trapped heat. Such weird weather conditions can make your baby feel hot and cold at the same time. Make sure your baby is bundled up but remove a few layers of clothing when you sense them getting restless due to the heat.
  1. Make Sure Your Baby is Dry and Clean: Don’t skip baths just because the weather is cold. Use a soft towel to dry them thoroughly after a bath or if they get wet in the rain. Don’t forget to dry the tiny folds and creases to avoid any fungal infections due to the moist weather. A sprinkle of baby powder, talcum, or cornstarch can help keep their skin dry and fresh.
  1. Continue to Nurse Your Child: Keep breastfeeding your little one on demand, as breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies that boost their immune system.
  1. Change Diapers and Nappies Regularly: Let’s talk about diapers, shall we? Choosing the right diaper is as crucial as any other step on this list. Opt for Snuggy, the best diapers for newborns because they are:
  • super absorbent
  • anti-bacterial and anti-rash
  • can lock pee and poo smells
  • are equipped with a colour-changing wetness alarm

Change diapers frequently to avoid rashes and discomfort. Pro tip: Apply a diaper rash cream with ingredients like zinc oxide to prevent any friction and rashes.

  1. Keep the Infant Safe from Mosquitoes: Monsoon brings not just rain but also a mosquito brigade ready to attack. Protect your baby by using a baby-safe mosquito repellent. Make sure the repellent contains natural ingredients and is suitable for your little munchkin’s sensitive skin. Additionally, dress your baby in light-colored, long-sleeved clothes to keep those pesky insects away.
  1. Keep Your House Tidy: Remember Kajol’s famous dialogue, “A clean house is a happy house”? Well, it applies to babies too! During the monsoon, ensure your house is clean and dry. Moisture can become a breeding ground for germs and insects. Use a good quality disinfectant to keep your baby’s surroundings clean and germ-free. Regularly mop the floors with an antibacterial solution, because just like Hrithik Roshan’s dance moves, a clean house will leave everyone in awe!
  1. Boiled Water Is a Necessity: In the monsoon, water becomes a crucial topic of discussion, just like a gripping thriller movie. Always use boiled and cooled water for your baby’s drinking and cooking needs. Boiling kills the harmful bacteria and ensures the water is safe for your little one. Remember, you are their superhero, and you need to protect them from any waterborne illnesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take care of a baby in the monsoon?
Taking care of a baby during the monsoon involves keeping them dry, changing diapers frequently, protecting them from mosquitoes, and maintaining a clean house. Remember to continue breastfeeding, use no rash diapers, and ensure they consume boiled water for their safety.
How do I keep my newborn in the rainy season?
To keep your newborn safe and comfortable during the rainy season, make sure they stay dry and clean. Use gentle, no rash diapers, protect them from mosquitoes, and keep your house tidy. Also, provide them with breast milk and boiled water for hydration and nourishment.
What is special in the monsoon season?
The monsoon season brings rain, which is a welcome relief from the scorching heat. It also provides a pleasant atmosphere, lush greenery, and a chance to enjoy indoor activities. However, it is essential to take precautions against waterborne diseases, mosquitoes, and maintain personal hygiene.
Are babies affected by rain?
Babies can be affected by rain if not properly cared for during the monsoon season. Exposure to rainwater can lead to colds, coughs, and other illnesses. Additionally, mosquitoes thrive during this season, posing a threat to their health. However, with proper care, babies can enjoy the rain while staying safe and healthy.

As the raindrops fall from the sky, let’s ensure our little ones are snug and protected during the monsoon. By following these baby care tips, you can keep your baby happy, healthy, and ready to dance in the rain like a Bollywood superstar. So, grab your umbrellas, spread the love, and enjoy this monsoon season with your little bundle of joy!

Remember, just like Shah Rukh Khan’s charm, your baby deserves the best care even during the rain-soaked days of the monsoon!

Snuggy Diaper - Vertical Dots Snuggy Diaper- Brown Planet Snuggy Diaper- Red Rocket Snuggy Diaper- Blue Rocket