Baby Teething: Know the Signs and Symptoms

Baby Teething: Know the Signs and Symptoms

June 6, 2023

Babies are the cutest when they smile, and their cuteness hits new levels when tiny, adorable teeth make their appearance! When the first tooth of your baby starts making its way out of the gum, it’s called teething. However, as adorable as it may seem, the process is not entirely painless for your little one. Once you know the right signs of baby teething, you can be ready to ready to jump in and ease your little one’s pain.

When do babies start teething?

There’s a wide range of ‘normal’ in terms of when teeth will come for babies, because the moment when these white pearls make their appearance differs quite a bit from baby to baby.

Some babies are born with their first tooth, while many start teething around 3 and 8 months of age. As always, some start toothing earlier, and some might start much later. Typically, you can expect all your baby’s milk teeth by the age of 3.

During this teething period, you might notice the following list of common toothing symptoms; we’ve also included ways you can help your baby so that you’re not helpless. Keep reading!

Common symptoms of teething in infants

Increased biting and gnawing

When the teeth start making their way through the gum by exerting pressure, it irritates the gum. To deal with this, babies may start biting and gnawing at their favorite toys or their own fingers.

Teething toys are awesome pain relievers for toothing babies, you should try them.

More drooling and rashes

Teething can stimulate drooling which results in your baby drooling all over. This can result in rashes around their mouth, chin, and neck area due to their contact with bacteria from the saliva. Wipe their droll periodically and keep them clean and dry as possible.


The excess saliva produced due to teething can cause occasional cough or gag. Nothing that could be done here.

Low grade fever

Due to putting their unclean toys and fingers in their mouth, your baby might develop a low-grade fever ranging between 98 to 100°F. But if you’re concerned that your baby’s fever might be due to something else, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. Always trust your gut on feelings related to your child’s health.

Refusing to eat

The process of teething is already painful, and the suction of nursing may make their sore gums feel even worse. As a result, they’ll be fussy about food and may sometimes refuse to eat or drink anything at all.

Pulling of ears and cheek rubbing

The ear, cheek, nose, and throat are all connected to each other. During teething, the pain in the gums can reveal itself in weird sensations in the ears and cheeks. At times, pulling the ears or rubbing the cheek can temporarily reduce their pain, and your baby might get used to it. This results in them constantly pulling their ears or rubbing their cheeks. How to help your baby? Rub their cheeks with them.


Many believe that excess saliva production can cause your baby’s poop to become slightly loose, resulting in diarrhea. With diarrhea, your baby also runs the risk of dehydration. How to stop baby diarrhea from teething? Contact your doctor. Especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or a high fever.

Have your baby wear Snuggy Diapers! Snuggy Diapers are designed with a super-absorbent and anti-bacterial core that prevents any rashes that might come from your baby’s skin meeting watery poop. Snuggy Diapers are also designed with standing leg guards and provide a snug fit to prevent any side leaks and trickles. But good diaper features don’t mean you can let your baby go with the poop without changing for a while. Change the diaper as soon as it gets spoiled! You can buy Snuggy newborn baby diapers online on Amazon, Flipkart, and FirstCry!

Irritability and frustration

When your baby tries everything and still can’t do anything to reduce the pain and doesn’t even understand what’s happening to them, you can expect your little one to be cranky and cry for no reason whatsoever. You’d only need one thing to deal with this situation and that is *drum roll* LOVE! Give them lots of cuddles when they are having a hard time, spend more time with them, sing to them, play with them, and this extra time you spend with them can help alleviate their pain by providing feelings of comfort and reassurance.

✨ Is there anything love can’t do? ✨

The path towards a full set of teeth is riddled with a little bit of pain and a lot of crankiness. By taking the small steps, precautions, and home remedies for teething babies mentioned in the blog, these days of teething will be quickly behind you!

How long do teething symptoms last?

Teething symptoms can last for several days or even weeks, and typically coincide with the emergence of a new tooth. The exact duration can vary from child to child, and some babies may experience teething symptoms for months at a time.

How do I know if my baby is in pain from teething?

There are several signs that your baby may be in pain from teething, including increased drooling, irritability or fussiness, pulling of ears and cheek rubbing, and a desire to chew on objects or fingers. Your baby may also experience a slight fever or diarrhea during teething.

What helps a teething baby sleep?

There are several things that can help a teething baby sleep, including giving them a teething toy to chew on, offering them a cool washcloth to chew on, rubbing their cheeks and ears, and using over-the-counter pain relievers like infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen (with your doctor’s approval).

When is the most painful time for teething?

Teething can be painful at any time, but the most painful period is usually when the first teeth start to emerge, which can happen as early as 3-4 months of age. The molars, which typically emerge around 12-18 months, can also be particularly painful.

Does gripe water help teething?

Gripe water is an herbal remedy that is sometimes used to soothe colic and other digestive issues in babies, but there is no scientific evidence to support its use for teething. However, some parents find that gripe water can help calm a fussy or irritable baby during the teething process. As with any herbal remedy or medication, it’s important to talk to your doctor before giving gripe water to your baby.

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