How Singing Soothing Songs Benefits your Baby

How Singing Soothing Songs Benefits your Baby

June 6, 2023

David, the 27-year-old pharmacist, never used to sing, not even in the showers or long drives. At his wife’s request, he would sing worship songs in a monotone voice during the Sunday services at his church, and that was it. But when he first held his newborn in his arms, everything changed, David started singing:

“Omanathinkal Kidavo,

Nalla Komala Thamara Poovo,

Poovil Niranja Madhuvo,

Pari poornendu thande nilavo…”

Singing to your baby is an experience that many new parents can relate to. Whether it’s a lullaby, a nursery rhyme, or a song from your culture or religion, music has been an integral part of parenting across time and cultures. There’s something universal about the way parents intuitively use music to connect with their babies.

But there’s more to music than just soothing and comforting babies. Singing to your baby has many benefits that go beyond providing a calming effect. Believe it or not, listening to music, or even better, listening to YOU sing, can have a significant impact on your child’s development, especially during their early years. So, let’s explore all the amazing ways that music and songs can benefit your little one!

Calms your baby

The rhythm and melody of a song can calm your baby when they are fussy or crying. We’re probably not telling you anything new here, but now it’s been proven by science. Your baby may not understand the meaning of the song, but the calming atmosphere it provides, and the sound of your voice can have a magical effect on them. Now you know how to calm a crying baby!

Improves their sleep

The repetitive and rhythmic patterns of a lullaby or other soothing songs help calm your baby’s nervous system, helping them fall asleep faster and sleep longer. You can also play soothing music for babies to sleep, but the benefits are much greater when you sing along.

Enhances language development

Language is music in itself! It is filled with patterns, rhymes, and rhythms, and singing to your baby helps develop their ear, voice, and brain for language. Research shows that even unborn babies listen to their mother’s voice and understand patterns! So, it’s never too soon to start singing!

Supports emotional development

Singing to your baby creates a strong emotional bond between you and your little one. This bond of love and security is essential for your baby’s social and emotional development as they grow up. By singing to your baby, you’re creating memories and moments that will last a lifetime, strengthening your special bond even more.

Boosts brain development

Recent research has been discovering more and more evidence that the first three years of your baby’s life are the best possible years for brain strengthening and development. Children with the right level of brain exercise in this period have strong foundations to build upon for future growth and success. Singing and listening to songs and music is one of the best ways to exercise your baby’s brain during these years!

Simple steps and tips to singing for your baby

  • You can start singing at around 30 to 32 weeks after conception.
  • While selecting songs, look for slow, soothing melodies with repetitive patterns and easy lyrics.
  • When your baby is born, after the initial lung-clearing cry, sing the song close to their ear and loud enough so they can hear it.
  • Sing the song every day to them, especially during times when they are crying.
  • Both parents can sing together, or alone, with instruments, or without instruments, but sing every day! Sing it when you’re giving them a bath, or when you’re feeding them, or when you’re changing their Snuggy diaper – the best overnight diapers for newborns, or when you’re in the doctors for baby vaccination, you can sing anytime, and anywhere to soothe your baby.

You can’t sing? You sound like a dying cat? It really doesn’t matter. Your voice is the most beautiful sound to your little one and he/she wouldn’t swap your singing for the world!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is singing songs good for babies?

Singing songs to babies can have many benefits, such as:

  • Help soothe and calm the baby
  • Promote bonding with their caregivers
  • Aid in language development
  • Improve their sleep
  • Support emotional and brain development.
Does singing actually soothe babies?

Yes, singing can be very soothing for babies. The sound of a caregiver’s voice, especially when singing a familiar song, can help calm a baby and create a sense of security and comfort.

What are the benefits of relaxing music for babies?

Relaxing music can have many benefits for babies, including promoting relaxation and sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving their mood and brain function.

How to soothe a crying baby?

There are several things you can try to soothe a crying baby:

  • Check if the baby needs a diaper change or is hungry.
  • Hold the baby close and provide gentle rocking or bouncing motions.
  • Sing or talk to the baby in a calming voice.
  • Offer a pacifier or a toy for the baby to suck on or play with.
  • Create a calming environment with soft lighting and soothing music.
  • Take the baby for a walk or a drive in a stroller or a car, as the motion can be very calming.
Do babies prefer speaking or singing?

Research suggests that babies may prefer singing over speaking. This may be because singing has a more predictable rhythm and melody than regular speech, which can be comforting and engaging for infants. Additionally, singing often involves exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, which can be more visually stimulating for babies than just talking.

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